The 2022 AMM Annual Convention will take place in Winnipeg from November 21-23. There will be elections at this year’s convention for the AMM Executive Committee, consisting of the President and two Vice-Presidents. The term of office for the President and Vice-Presidents is two years. The President and Vice-Presidents can be elected to an Executive Committee position in multiple terms.
Executive Committee Nominations:
Municipalities can nominate a municipal official for the President position, Vice-President position, or both, but the official can only accept nomination for and be elected to one position. Nominations for positions on the Executive Committee must be by resolution of Council. Each nomination must be supported by a separate resolution.
Only elected officials of member municipalities are eligible to be President or Vice-President of the AMM Executive Committee.
Nominations of candidates for a position on the Executive Committee must be made by giving written notice, together with a copy of the supporting Council resolution, to the Executive Director of the AMM, to be received by no later than October 31, 2022.