2024 Executive Committee Elections

Photo: AMM

2024 Executive Committee Elections

At this year’s Convention there will be elections for the AMM’s Executive Committee, consisting of the President and two Vice-Presidents. The term of office for President and Vice-Presidents is 2 years. The President and Vice-Presidents can hold office for multiple terms.

Executive Committee Nominations:

Municipalities can nominate a municipal official for the President position, Vice-President position, or both, but the official can only accept nomination for and be elected to one position. Nominations for positions on the Executive Committee must be by resolution of Council. Each nomination must be supported by a separate resolution.

Only elected officials of member municipalities are eligible to be President or Vice-President of the AMM Executive Committee.

Nominations for candidates for a position on the Executive Committee must be submitted in writing, accompanied by a supporting Council resolution, to the Executive Director of the AMM. Please submit these by November 4, 2024, which is 21 days before the opening day of the AMM Fall Convention, at:

1910 Saskatchewan Avenue W

Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0P1

Attention: Denys Volkov, Executive Director


No nomination for an Executive Committee position is effective unless the nominee accepts the nomination by giving written notice to the Executive Director no later than 14 days before the opening day of the AMM Fall Convention. For this year’s elections, accepted nominations must be received by the Executive Director by no later than November 12, 2024.

Any member of the AMM Board of Directors who accepts a nomination for an Executive Committee position vacates their position on the Board effective as of the date the member accepts the nomination.

Executive Committee Election:

  • President: The President must receive 50% plus 1 of the total number of votes cast to be elected as President.
  • Vice-Presidents: The 2 candidates for Vice-President who receive the highest number of votes are elected as Vice-Presidents. There will be a further ballot if there is a tie, involving only the tied candidates.

Candidates for AMM President

Candidate information/campaign materials will be posted as they are received by the AMM office.

Kathy Valentino (nomination accepted)

Deputy Mayor, City of Thompson

Candidates for AMM Vice-President

Candidate information/campaign materials will be posted as they are received by the AMM office.

Clayton Canart (nomination accepted)

Reeve, RM of Wallace-Woodworth

Scott Phillips (nomination accepted)

Councillor, RM of Sifton

Brad Saluk (nomination accepted)

Reeve, RM of Brokenhead

Sandra Smith (nominated)

Mayor, Town of Stonewall

Candidate Speeches and Voting

The AMM encourages all municipal officials to attend this year’s Fall Convention. Candidate speeches and voting will be conducted on November 27, 2024.